of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 319
Mr Cummins has not yet sent an ounce of provision for the
Company quarted at this place notwithstanding his promisses.
I propose joining the council the last of next week and hope
my attendance will not be wanting before, if it shoud they
will please to write me, my long absence, from home makes
my stay in the County for some time very necessary but if the
public Business calls I will obey and am Genl with the greatest
Regard & respect,
Your most Hble Servt
Thos Smyth:
[Maryland Deputies to Council.]
Phil3 9 April 1776.
Gent The Bearer Thomas Road's is hired on purpose to
carry our Paper, 51 Ream, to Annapolis for which we have
advanced part of the Price and are to pay the rest on his
Return we chose to send the Paper by Land at once to avoid
all Hazard and prevent every Disappointment. The plates
are not yet done. Mr Rittenhouse now promises they shall be
done by next Saturday and as the Assembly is adjourned we
hope he will fulfil his promise they shall be forwarded by the
post or some safe Hand as soon as done.
We are Gent
Your most obedt Servts Th. Johnson Jur
T. Stone. R. Alexander.
[S. Smith to Council.]
Balto Town 9th April 1 776.
Genl Since my return have made Enquiry & found a Per-
son a professed Stocker of Guns who will immediately finish
your number of Guns at 15/ each tis the customary price.
The Gunsmiths as yet do very little work & I see no proba-
bility of my Company being armed by them these 3 months.
I shall be much obliged if you permit me to fit the Province
Arms I now have. I shall not want more than 15 or 16.
I am Genl Your mo. obedt & obligd servt
Sam Smith.
Wednesday 10th April 1776
Council met. Present as yesterday except Mr. Hall
Commissions issued to William Falton appointed 2d Lieu-
tenant and John Hill Ensign of Captain James Mackey's Com-
pany of Militia in Caecil County.
C. S. J.