C. S. C.
Company but leave a very great Extent of Country along the
Water in a manner defenceless. What is to become of Wico-
mico, Clements and Britons-Bay and all down to the Mouth of
St. Mary's River in Case the Men of War should pass unno-
ticed in the Night or in foggy hazy weather? When the
Company gets well disciplined, perhaps some of them may be
stationed to Advantage at or near the Mouth of Patuxent; we
think best to keep them together at present 'till further
advanced in military Knowledge, and that Leonard Town is
the proper Station. Should you think otherwise, we should
be glad to know your Reasons, that we may concur with you ;
we wish to harmonize in every Thing that is for the good of
the County.
2d Apl 1776
No. 103.
[Council to Thomas.]
To Captn John Allen Thomas.
Yours of the 18th ultmo we only received the 30th We cannot
conceive that any Letter that we wrote to you can justify the
Inference that you have drawn, that if your Station is to be at
Leonard-Town that your Company is to defend that Place
only. It was preferred because it was more centrical than any
other in the County; that you might be within a Day's March
of any Part of it. But if the Committee of Observation should
be of Opinion that any other Station is more convenient, we
shall readily confirm and order you to it; or if they should be
of Opinion, that your Company should be divided and stationed
at the Mouth of Patuxent and Point look-out, we shall concur
with them, when we know their Reasons for it, if we approve
of them. But we presume that let your Station be where it
may, that you will nevertheless march to any other Part of the
County wherever it's Defence requires it. And why you
should want positive Orders to do your Duty we cannot con-
ceive; if you take Care to walk within the Line of it, you need
not be under any great Difficulty to excuse yourself to the
People of St. Mary's or the Public in general or to justify
yourself to the whole World. Our Care has and shall be as
diffusive and extensive all over the Province as it's Funds, and
our Abilities will allow; and therefore we are not under the
least Apprehension, but that our Endeavours will meet with
the Approbation of our Constituents.
We sent you by Lieut Steward £150, if that Sum is short of
what ought to have been sent, you have only to make up your
Accounts to the 3rd of this Month and every Shilling that will
be due to that Day shall be paid. We are determined to have