of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 299
Lambert Flowers
Richd Nab
James Woodland 69
Benjamin Garland
W'm Petegrew
Robert Young 70
James Greedy
Chas Phillipshill
Given under my hand at
Oliver Gallop
Andw Park
Head Quarters,
William Gray
Benedict Penington
29th Feby 1776.
Matthew Richardson
William Henry
[Gaither to Council.]
Elk Ridge 29 March 1776.
Gentl Whereas Mr John Marriott, who was first Lieut to
Capt Elisha Riggs, is deceased I'm therefore desired by Capt
Riggs, and his Company to recommend to you, Mr Joseph
Walker Junr their first Lieut Mr Aquilla Randall Junr their
second, and Mr Nathaniel Owings their Ensign. I also beg
leave Gentn to inform you that I look on the above gentlemen
to be very proper persons. I am Gentl Yr mo. obt Hb Servt
Edwd Gaither Junr
Capt Riggs, wishes that the vacancy, might be filled up with
all convenient speed. E. G.
C. S. C.
Saturday 30 March 1776.
Council met. Present as yesterday except Mr Hall.
Commissions issued to Joseph Walker appointed first Lieu-
tenant of Captain Elisha Riggs' Company of Militia in Ann
Arundel County in the Room of John Marriott, deceased, &
to Aquila Randal 2d Lt and Nathaniel Owings Ensign of said
Copy of Letter No 97 was sent to Captains James Kent and
William Henry, Northampton County, Virginia.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore be
requested immediately to send by Express the Letter directed
to Captains Kent and Henry together with three hundred
Pounds Currency to defray the Expences of their march to
their respective Counties.
Ordered That a Copy of the above Order together with the
Letter abovementioned be immediately sent to the Treasurer
of the Eastern Shore.
Adjourned till Monday morning 9 O'Clock.
C. S. J.
[Council to Kent and Henry.]
To Captns Kent and Henry.
Gentlemen. We send this by Express with £300 to defray
the Expences of your March to your respective Counties as
C. S. C.
No. 97.