[Council to Baltimore Committee.]
To the Committee of Observation for Balto County
Gentn We are not as yet fully determined as to the
Schooner of M Lux's fitted out for a Tender; we would wish
her to be in such a Situation, as to act in Case of Danger upon
short Notice; but we would not have Men inlisted or Provi-
sions purchased for her, 'till further Orders from this Board or
the Convention. We are informed from divers Persons of
Credit, and amongst others from Captn Nicholson himself, that
she is a dull Sailer — if so and we can get a better, we must
remove the Guns &c on Board the Tender hereafter to be pur-
chased, and make the best of the Schooner. We would not
have her go any Distance, if she is likely to be instrumental in
losing us a Number of brave Men and all her Stores. We
have sent an Express with Order to Capt Burgess to try
Hughs's 18 Pounders, and request you will order Bullets to
be cast as soon as you know the proper size.
26th March 1776
[Boucher to Council.]
The Honble Council of Safety. Baltimore 27th March 1776.
Honble Gentlemen. Since receiving the inclosed, have
been in Company with Colo Geo. Mason of Virginia and Mr
Dalton at their request do now solicit your permission to quit
the service of this province, & enter into that of Virginia which
will be much more beneficial to me. Your complyance will
much oblige, Honble Gentlemen,
Your most Obedt Humble Servant,
John Thos Boucher.
No. 92.