C. S. C.
No. 81.
[Council to Howard and Coale.]
To Doctrs Ephraim Howard and Saml Coale (E. Ridge)
We hope to have a Powder-Mill erected early this Spring
and as we much depend on our Works for a supply of Salt
Petre, are anxious to know how much we have already in the
Province and what it may reasonably be presumed we may
expect to be provided with by the Middle or last of April, and
therefore request you'll immediately inform us of the Quantity
of crude Nitre you have made, and what you can supply
p Week. We have Great dependance on your Works from
your Abilities and Assiduity, and the Sum of Money furnished
you by the former Council of Safety to carry it on extensively.
24 March 1776
No. 82.
[Council to Committees.]
To the Committees of Observation of the several Counties
The great Difficulty we find in providing Blankets for the
regular Forces raised for the Defence of this Province obliges
us to apply to the Committees of Observation for the several
Counties earnestly requesting that they would use their
Endeavours to procure from the House-Keepers in their
respective Counties all the Blankets or Rugs that they can
with any Convenience spare, for which the Council will pay
such price as the Committee shall agree on as well as any
Expence that may arise in collecting them together, and when
you have procured any Quantity you will send them to Anna-
polis to Colo Smallwood or in his Absence to the commanding
Officer on the Station who will receive the same and give
orders on the Council for the Payment thereof. We hope
that the Friends to our Cause in your County will contribute
every thing in their Power to the comfortable Subsistence of
the Soldiery in this Respect; it will be an Act of great
Humanity and rendering an essential Service to the Public.
23d March 1776