276 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C.
tion for Charles County, and if they are not shortly complied with,
will send you some Powder from hence. As to furnishing you
with Arms, tho' it would afford us the highest Satisfaction, yet
from our Inability we cannot experience the Pleasure of grati-
fying you, not having a Sufficiency for the Regular Forces.
22 March 1776
No. 76.
[Council to Elk-Ridge Committee.]
To the Committee of Observation for the Elk
Ridge Department in Ann Arundel County
We have called James Morris before us and not finding his
Affair in such a Situation as that we can go into a plenary
Hearing we have thought proper to oblige him to give
Security for his good Behaviour, and also for his Appearance
before the Committee of Observation on the first Thursday in
April next against which Time, if you think it necessary, you
may order Witnesses to attend to enforce his Charge & send
him down to us again or not as the Facts may appear.
Stephen Gartrell hath been heard and is ordered to make
proper Concessions at the Head of the Elk Ridge Battalion at
their next Meeting and to pay one Moiety of the Expense of
bringing him down, Guards &c James Morris to pay the other
No. 77.
[Council to Thomas.]
To Captn John Allen Thomas
We received a Letter of the 15th Inst, from Mr Mackall
advising us that you thought a Virginia Pilot-Boat which the
Calvert County Guards had stopped some Days past would be
very useful, as well for conveying the Troops from one County
to the other, as for taking any small Tenders which might
come into your River, and that the Owner would sell her on
reasonable Terms, and requesting our Opinion upon the
Expediency of purchasing and arming her for the Use of the
Province. We cannot conceive a Pilot Boat properly calcu-
lated to transmit Troops across a narrow River in which upon
an Alarm given, unless the Wind should suit, they cannot sail
from one place to another with that Expedition the Service
might require, and as to repelling any hostile Attacks which
may be made by Tenders, we do not think that Boat would be
sufficient for the Purpose as nothing less than an eight or ten
Gun Vessel would offer to run up our Rivers to commit Dep-