[Council to Dorchester Committee.]
To the Committee of Observation for Dorchester County.
In Council of Safety Annapolis March 21st 1776.
We received yrs. of the 15th Instant by Capt Woolford, and
are much pleased to hear that the Militia of your County
behaved with so much Spirit and Alacrity on the late Alarm
occasioned by the Otter Sloop of War and her Tender's
Appearance in the Bay, but at the same Time we are con-
cerned to find they have so few good Arms among them. We
doubt not but that the same noble and generous Spirit which
induced them to step forth on the late Occasion in Defence of
our just Rights and Privileges and those of their Fellow-Citi-
zens, will support them under every Difficulty they may have
to encounter. You may be assured that the Council will give
them, as well as every other Part of the Province all the Assist-
ance in their Power. We have ordered the Arms & Powder
imported by Capt. Tibbitt for the Use of the Province down
to Chester Town, from whence the Arms will be distributed
among the regular Troops stationed on the Eastern Shore,
and a Proportion of the Powder sent to the Committee of each
County. Inclosed we send you an Order for the Distribution
of the Powder which we have ordered to be sent to Cambridge
to Mr Hanson's Care by the Committee of Kent County and
we hope will reach you by the Middle of next Week as also an
Order on the Treasurer of the Eastern Shore for the Payment
of the Expence of sending forward that for Worcester and
Somerset Counties. Upon the late Alarm some Powder was
given into the Hands of the Militia on this Side of the Bay
and we fear it will be difficult to collect the greatest Part of it
again and that too much of what may remain with the People
will be lost to the Public. We recommend it to you therefore
to deliver to the Captains on the Water-side, as much as you
may conceive will be sufficient (taking their Receipts) with
Orders, not to distribute it among the respective Companies,
until there is a real Necessity and to keep the Residue in some
convenient Part of your County, where upon any Emergency,
the other Companies may be readily supplied. We have
given Captn Woolford an Order on Captn Robson for the
Provincial Arms, which he received from the Committee of
Observation of Kent County & we hope soon to be able to
compleatly arm his and the other Independent Companies
stationed on your Shore.
21st March 1776.
C. S. C.
No. 74.