That he will keep a just and true account of all Bills of
Credit and monies which he shall receive or pay; and of the
names of those to whom the same shall be paid or delivered,
and that he will render a true and perfect account of all pay-
ments by him made, to the Convention of Maryland, or the
Council of Safety, or any other persons, by a Convention of
this Province appointed to examine his accounts, and that he
will be answerable for all Bills of Credi't and monies which he
may receive and pay, all orders drawn by the Convention or
Council of Safety, or the Branch thereof residing on his Shore.
That torn and defaced Bills shall be Exchanged at reason-
able and convenient times
That the said Bills of Credit shall be redeemed and sunk on
or before the first day of January 1786 by Taxes, or other
Legislative provision.
That this Convention bind their Constituents and pledge the
faith of this Province for the Redemption of the said Bills, on
or before the said first day of January 1786.
Resolved, That the Freeholders of each County in this Prov-
ince and other Freemen having a visible Estate of forty pounds
sterling, or qualified by law to vote for Burgesses, do on the
second Tuesday of September next meet together at the Court
houses of their respective Counties (except as hereinafter
excepted) and do there under the inspection of their respective
Delegates in this present Convention, or any three or more of
them, to whom it is recommended, to attend for that purpose
by a majority of the voices of such of the said Electors as shall
be present elect of the most discreet and sensible of those, who
are qualified as afd to vote, a Committee of Observation for
each County respectively, for the term of one year then next
following, to consist of the following numbers that is to say,
for Saint Marys County, twenty four; for Charles County
thirty two; for Calvert County fifteen; for Prince Georges
County, thirty three, for Anne Arundel County, thirty four, for
Frederick County fifty three; for Baltimore County thirty
seven; for Harford County, eighteen; for Worcester County,
twenty one; for Somerset County, twenty one, for Dorchester
County nineteen; for Caroline County fourteen; for Talbot
County sixteen; for Queen Anns County twenty one; for
Kent County, twenty two, for Caecil County, sixteen, and that
from and after such Election the Committees of Observation
in being at and immediately before such Election, in each
County respectively, be and are hereby declared to be dis-
That the Committees so to be Elected, or a majority of any
seven or more of them met together, shall have full power and
authority to carry into execution the Association and Resolves
C. J.