[Council to Brigadiers.]
To the Brigadiers General (respectively.)
As our Thanks are due to yourself and those generous Men
that with Alacrity and Ardour stept forth on the late Alarm to
the Assistance and Protection of their Neighbours and Fellow-
Citizens, We request you will accept of them, and present
them likewise to those Battalions and Companies of your Dis-
trict that appeared on that Occasion.
March 15, 1776.
C. S. C.
No. 61.
[Council to Maryland Deputies.]
To the Deputies for Maryland in Congress.
Gentlemen. We are exceedingly anxious on Account of
our Treasury as it grows very low, and the Demands, as you
must be sensible, continue still great; you will therefore excuse
our mentioning to you so often our Apprehension that unless
the Plates and Paper are furnished in a very short Time the
Treasury will be exhausted and the credit of the Province must
Our Minute Companies have wrote us for Copies of the
Continental Regulations, & Pay to their Troops, and as we are
not provided with them, we request you will send them to us,
or if a favorable Opportunity should offer, transmit them to
Accomack immediately, as we are sometimes at a Loss for
Conveyances from hence, Pray send us an Account of the
Continental Pay of the Officers and Men in the Navy; we are
informed there have been some Alterations lately made in them
by Congress and shall be glad to see them — they will be useful
to us in settling the wages for the Defence — the inclosed is a
Copy of a Letter we have received from Mr Harrison our
Agent in the Foreign West Inds
17th March 1776
[Baltimore Committee to Council.]
Baltimore 16 March 1776.
Gentlemen. This Committee on the first alarm of Capt
Squires being coming up to this town, met and took into the
No. 62.