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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 252   View pdf image (33K)
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252 Journal and Correspondence

C. S. C.

them can only be used for want of better; I wish we could be
happy enough to be better furnished. But we must do the
best we can I know the gentlemen of the Council of Safety,
and with a real pleasure can say, I have a confidence in them,
and that they will do the best, in this, as well as every other
part of their duty, I freely express these sentiments to the
people. Your candor will not think there is any flattery in
this declaration, there is really none, but I think it not at all
improper to express myself freely, and shall do more so from
your last letter; the information you there mention to have
received from this county, I think must have a very slight
foundation, should the Council think it convenient to allot a
pound of powder per man for the numbers in the several Poto-
mack Companies, I believe it would have a great & good
effect on the spirits of the people, as the Companies on Patux-
ent lay less exposed there may not be thought so great an
allowance necessary as on Potomack where we must expect
any attack on these parts most like to be. I would wish to be
understood, as to my sentiments of the powder being lodged
under the direction of the Committees of Piscattaway & Bla-
densburgh, not to mean jointly but that a part to each place
under the direction of those of the Committee of observation
in each neighbourhood, that no obstruction to the use when
required may take place, but, after takeing the freedom to
trouble you with so much, submit the whole to the determina-
tion of Council. Please offer my best compliments to the
worthy members of yr able Council, and be assured (to you
and them) I am with real esteem,
Dr Sir, Yr obt hble Servt
Jona. Beall.

I hope to hear of your recovery from your late lameness
several Gent (deserving attention) in this County have asked
my mentioning them to the Council, as desirous of acting as
officers in any other regular force that may be raised in this
province either continental or provincial, the names follow, vizt
Luke Marbury, John Addison, Hezekiah Wheeler, Thomas
Dent, John Beanes, William Duvall, Walter Cox, John Bur-
gess. The three first are captains in the militia, and hope to
have not a lower Commission, as above &c.
To the Honble Daniel of St Thos Jenifer Esqr

[Gist to Council.]

Baltimore 15 Ma 1776.
Gentlemen. Having sundry accounts open against me for
Iron Pots, Ammunition Chests, making hunting shirts, repair-

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Journal of the Maryland Convention July 26 to August 14, 1775
Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, August 29, 1775 to July 6, 1776

Volume 11, Page 252   View pdf image (33K)
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