236 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. C.
[Brice to Council.]
Honored Sirs. Having it not in my Power to procure Salt
being in the service at the time, it was to be disposed of in the
province also being still engaged it will not be in my power to
get any. I will take it as a particular favr if you'l oblige me
with a bushel as my family will be very much distressed for
the want of it. Your compliance will infinately oblige Hd Sirs,
Your most obedt most Hble Sen/^ Jacob Brice
Tuesday morning
C. S. J.
Monday nth March 1776.
Council met. Present as yesterday.
Orders were sent to Brigadier General Chamberlaine and
Colonel Joshua Beall respectively to discharge their Militia
Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
the Clerk twenty Pounds Currency for Expresses and other
Ordered, That Colonel John Weems be directed to march
his Militia, or such of them, as may be necessary to repel any
Attempt that now is, or may be made by the Otter Sloop or
her Tenders at the Mouth of Fishing Creek, as also to be ready
to assist the Calvert Militia. Colonel Ware was ordered down
to take the Command of the Militia.
Copy of Letter No 53 was sent to Deputies in Congress.
Adjourned 'till next Day 9 oClock.
C. S. C.
No. 53.
[Council to Maryland Deputies.]
To the Deputies of Maryland in Congress.
We received Intelligence by our Pilot Boats on Tuesday
Evening- that a Ship of War and two Tenders were under Sail
on their Way up the Bay, and immediately issued our Orders
for their Reception which was observed with amazing Expedi-
tion and Punctuality. We were much indebted to the spirited,
active and good Conduct of the regular Officers and Troops.
The Militia moved with astonishing dispatch, and as soon as
the Vessels hove in Sight our Coast was lined with Men. At
Baltimore the Celerity of their Movements exceeded Descrip-
tion and had very near proved more advantageous than they
really have, for it was expected by the Vessels (the Otter of
1 6 guns, a Tender of 6 and the other armed with Swivels only)
that the Ship Defence was altogether unprepared, which led
them to conceive themselves in a State of Security which had