lar manner, whereby the strength of the whole will be greatly
increased in the common defence, and the Rights and Liberties
of all better secured.
Resolved, That sixteen persons, eight of whom residing on
the Western and eight on the Eastern Shore, shall be chosen
by Ballot, by this Convention, and be stiled and denominated
The Council of Safety of Maryland.
That any nine or more of the said Council of Satety con-
vened, or the Major part of them, direct and regulate the oper-
ations of the Minute-men and Militia; and may as aforesaid,
grant all Military Commissions, appoint and Commission Field
Officers, and appoint and regulate the rank of all Military
Officers; and in the recess of the Convention call forth the
Minute-men into action in any place or places in this Province,
or the neighbouring Colonies; and the Militia into action in
any place or places in this Province, at such time and times, in
such Proportions and on such occasions, as they may judge
necessary, and do all such other matters and things for the
securing and strengthening this Province, and for Providing
for the defence thereof as they shall deem necessary and expe-
dient, and execute such other powers as may he. entrusted to
them by the Convention of this Province.
That as at some times, a necessity for taking speedy meas-
ures may be so pressing that a delay till the Council of Safety
could assemble together, would be highly dangerous, and many
things of less moment, may well and more conveniently be
transacted by a majority of members residing on the respective
Shores; the members residing on either Shore respectively, or
the major part of them, or of such of them as shall be in this
Province, may not only grant Commissions for Court-Martials,
when applied for, and hear, determine and punish high and
dangerous Offences according to the Resolutions of this Con-
vention, but may also in case of instant danger, or pressing
necessity, call forth the Minute-men or Militia of their respec-
tive Shore; yet it is recommended, if time will permit, for the
whole Council of Safety, or nine of them, to meet and consult
together, that those of either Shore do not separately call forth
the Minute-men or Militia; and that if time will not permit
such meeting and consultation, then as soon after the separate
act done as may be, the whole Council of Safety shall be sum-
moned, and the orders and Resolutions of a majority of any nine,
or more of them shall Controul or govern; it being the inten-
tion of this Convention, that a joint Council, when the same
can be held on things of moment, should have the supreme
That any two or more of the said Council of Safety call a
meeting of the members on their respective Shore, or of the
C. J.