That the Colonel of every Battalion of Minute-men and
Militia, shall employ a skillful and able Adjutant for his Bat-
talion, who shall train and Exercise the Battalion, and the
several Companies thereof, according to the directions of the
Colonel, and shall receive for a month of thirty days, sixteen
dollars; and that the Companies of minute-men not formed in
Battalion, as to the purpose of being trained and exercised by
the Adjutant, be esteemed as a Company of the Battalion, with
which they shall exercise as before directed.
That every Field and Commissioned Officer having no reas-
onable Excuse shall appear at the Time and place of Muster,
and there do and perform his duty according to his Office and
Station; and for every neglect or refusal, he shall be fined a
sum not exceeding fifteen shillings, common money; to be
adjudged, if a Field Officer, by the other Field officers pres-
ent, or a majority of them; and if a Commissioned Officer,
below the rank of a Field Officer, by the Commissioned Officers
present, or a majority of them.
That every non commissioned Officer and private, of the
Minute-men and Militia appear at the time and place appointed
for their respective appearance for mustering, with his Fire-
lock and other accoutrements in good order and then orderly,
diligently and obediently to attend to instruction and perform
his Exercise in Arms, according to the Commands and orders
of his Officers; and if any Minute or Militia-man shall not
appear at the time and place of Muster with his Firelock and
other accoutrements in good order, having no reasonable
excuse, or shall not there, after appearance, behave himself
decently, or in a manner, suitable to the attention and care
requisite in such Exercise, he shall forfeit and pay a sum not
exceeding five shillings Common money, for every such neglect
or misbehaviour; which shall be determined by the Captain,
Lieutenants and Ensign, or any two of them either on their
own View, or on Representation and proof thereof; and on
non-payment shall be committed to the Custody of the Ser-
geant of his Company, till payment.
That if Complaint shall be made of gross misbehaviour, or
Breach of Duty, of any Commissioned Officer, by any Com-
mittee of Observation, or any two Commissioned Officers of
the Corps or Company to which such Officer, against whom
complaint shall be made, doth belong, or by any one Officer of
Superior or Equal rank to the Officer Complained against,
then the Council of Safety may appoint a Court Martial, to
consist of not less than five, nor more than nine of the Com-
missioned Officers of the same Corps or County, who or a
majority of whom shall hear, try, determine and give Sentence
on such Officer, so that the same Sentence extend not further
C. J.