192 Journal and Correspondence
but could wish the Convention had recommended our staying
the time mentioned rather than ordered, the first of March is
very near when we expect a few must return home from neces-
sity. As each Company have brot a physician with them from
home which we every day find useful and necessary, hope
some provision may be made for them, otherwise they must
be considerably out of pocket, as they have been and must be
untill their return home at their own expence, besides finding
every medicines and instruments necessary. And as you
request the Companies to return in a Body to their respective
Counties, hope some money will be paid us to defray the
expence of our march back, tho our Companies was one only
15 and the other 12 days on their march to this place yet the
£100.0.0 recd of the Treasurer was expended and our Com-
missary not prepared to receive us, which much distressed us
for a few days. If an opportunity offers to this place should be
glad to be furnished with the continental regulations relative
to wages and victualing, the latter of which our Commissary
either does not or pretends not to know any thing about.
We shall endeavour whilst here to give all the satisfaction we
can to the Inhabitants of this place as far as is consistent with
our Duty. But more particularly the province to which we
belong and shall cheerfully obey every command of our repre-
sentatives as far as can be done by a people who are deter-
mined to preserve their Liberties. And hope the conduct of
our Companies this Campaign will not reflect dishonour either
on the province to which they belong, or themselves, We are
with every mark of esteem and respect.
Gentn yr obdt hble Servts
James Kent
William Henry.
C. S. J.
Thursday 29 February 1776.
Council met. Present as yesterday.
Mr James Hutchings agreed with the Council to load the
Schooner Fanney, James Carmichael Master with Country
Produce for the Importation of Salt agreeable to a Resolution
of Congress.
Ordered That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to
Doctr Alexander Stenhouse four hundred and thirty eight
Pounds three Shillings and two pence for Medicines purchased
of him by the Council of Safety for the use of the Forces of
this Province.
Ordered That the said Treasurer pay to Messrs Daniel and
John McHenry four hundred and twenty three pounds three