14 Proceedings of the Maryland Convention, 1775.
C. J.
memorial be granted, on proof of the allegations therein being
made to the Committee of observation for Baltimore County,
who are hereby empowered to examine and take the said
proof, and if the said Vessel shall not be reladen and depart
before 10th day of September next, then oath to be made
before her departure, by the Captain and Mate, that no com-
modities, goods, wares or merchandise, is or shall be laden on
board for Exportation, other than such as shall have been
laden on Board, as part of her Cargo, before the said ioth
day of September, and shall have been relanded.
Convention adjourns till tomorrow morning 7 o'Clock
Saturday 12th. August
Met according to adjournment.
Mr Josias Beal & Mr Thomas Ringgold have leave of ab-
The Petition of John Baillie was read a second time, and
On a Second reading of the Representation from the Com-
mittee for Caroline County, relative to John Williams, Re-
solved, that the said Committee be directed to admonish the
said John Williams, as to his future behaviour, and discharge
him from further confinement, upon his paying the Expenses
of his imprisonment, to be ascertained by the said Committee,
and that in case of his future misbehaviour, they proceed with
him, according to the Resolves of this Convention.
The Petition of Alexander Ogg, of Calvert County, was
read a second time, and granted.
Convention adjourns till Monday Morning 7 o'Clock.
Monday 14th. Augt
Ordered, That the Rules and Regulations established by
the Continental Congress for the government of the Conti-
nental Army, be published with the proceedings of this Con-
vention (No 1.)
Ordered, That the Gentlemen appointed to receive monies
for the purchase of Arms and Ammunition, return a list thereof
to the Treasurer of each Shore.
Ordered, That the Treasurer of each Shore pay the sums of
money advanced, agreeable to such List, to the Residents of
their respective Shores.
Ordered, That out of the public Arms in possession of
Colonels Joshua Beall, Richard Lloyd, Edward Lloyd, and