of the Council of Safety, 1775-76. 125
gentlemen. I hope you and your spouse and family have been
happily situated this winter. I have just received a letter from
your Brother in law Captn Robinson who is gone out lieutent
in an armed vessel in the service of the Province. I shall give
you his words. " I have another request to make you about a
matter I'm very anxious for vizt that you'l please to coun-
tenance my Brother in Law Mr Burgess, he is come at an
unlucky time for himself as to what he Primarily intended, but
he is remarkably ingenious and well versed in drawing and in
military matters, he may be a very useful hand at this time,
should there occur any thing in which he could be employed
I'm confident his conduct would give satisfaction."
So far your Brother. Now Sir in conformity to his letter I
have wrote to the Honourable Council of Safety at Annapolis.
If you have any desire of being employed it will be your best
way I think to wait upon them and offer your service, and if
you have interest enough with Mr Hall either to go with you
or unto the Council of Safety in your behalf, I think it might
be of service, the small acquaintance between us prevents my
saying further my respect for Isaiah and all his friends is sin-
cere and I am with very good Regard, Sir
Your friend & servant. Stephen West.
If you come this way I shall be glad to see you.
To Mr Burgess at Hagers Town.
[West to Jenifer.]
Woodyard 30th Jany 1776.
My Good Sir.
Having occasion for some money this week I have sent up
my son with the agreement, order & Certificate relative to my
powder & Lead, with the amount. I shall be much obliged to
for your favour in despatching him as he proposes to return the
same day. I have wrote to The Honble Council of Safety upon
this & other matters, from my agreement with the Council of
Secrecy the treasurer I think ought to pay me at once but you
know best whether you or your Clk must first give an order.
What is the highest exchange you give for good Bills, please
tell Willy. I inclose the Papers. I am with
sincere respect your faithfull & obedt servant,
Stephen West.
To The Honble Danl of St Thos Jenifer Esqr
[G. Lee to Beall.]
Gisborough Jany 30th 1776
Sir. Had I known on Sunday evening when I received it,
that the inclosed Commn was intended for the upper Battalion