C. S. J.
Mr Purviance attended the Council and reported that
according to the Requisition of yesterday the Committee had
appointed Persons for the purposes therein mentioned.
Instructions and sailing Orders were given to Capt John
Martin of the Brig Friendship.
Mr William Lux was requested to purchase up for the use
of the Troops in this Province, all the coarse Clothes in Balti-
more Town; also Blankets, and plush for Breeches and make
Report of the Quantity and price to the Council of Safety,
with all convenient speed.
Mr Lux delivers to the Council the following Proposition.
The pilot Boat Chatham is bound for Statia with Money to
purchase Goods to the Amount of £3000 more to the Consign-
ment of Mr Thomas Russell who goes out in her. The Boat
is valued at £300 and each Shipper is to pay in proportion to
the Amount of his Property, in Case she is lost. Mr Russell
will take One hundred Barrels light Flour on Account of the
Province at 6/ per Barrel, and they to pay their proportion of
the Value of the Vessel in Case of Loss.
Lux & Bowley.
Which was read & agreed to.
Instructions were accordingly given to Captain Thomas
Mr George Matthews, Cannon Founder in the Neighbour-
hood of Baltimore Town, being requested to attend the Council
of Safety, and give what Information he could with Regard to
casting of Cannon, and the Cannon now in that place, informed
that there were two 12 pounders, six 9 pounders, six 6 pound-
ers, eight 3 pounders and two Field pieces, 3 pounders, which
in his Judgment and Opinion might be of some service, but
not to be depended on till they were bored again. That they
had been a long Time unused and were scaly within side of the
Guns. That there were 7 or 8 of the Annapolis Guns left by
Capt Stone, 4 pounders, all good except one which had lost a
Trunnion, might be made serviceable by having Trunnions
fixed on the Outside with an Iron Hoop.
Mr Matthews was also asked on what Terms he would con-
tract for founding Cannon, thereupon expressed his Opinion
that in his situation as a Factor, he could not incur the Expence
necessary to be laid out in founding Cannon and boring the
same, unless he had a moral Certainty that his Owners should
be no Losers by undertaking the Business. That the Wheel
for boring Cannon and other Apparatus was expensive and a
work that would require some Time before it could be brought
to perfection and that he did not think he could furnish 40