566 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
From this Encouragement, and Your Known Fidelity and
Attachment to His Majesty, I have no doubt of Your Exerting
Yourself to the Utmost on this great Occasion, when the
future Safety and Welfare of America, and of Your own Prov-
ince in particular, are so nearly Concerned. — I am, with great
Your most Obedient Humble Servant
His Excellency Govr Sharpe Jeff: Amherst
[Gen. Monckton to Sharpe.]
Philadelphia 7th May 1760
Being appointed By Major General Amherst to the Com-
mand of the Forces that are to Serve in the Southern Dis-
trickt of North America, I am to acquaint you of my Arrival
here, and of Major General Stanwix (who remains here some
days to Settle his Accompts) having given up the Command
to me.
I am Sorry Sir to find there is so little likelyhood of our
having any Assistance of Men from your Province, and the
more so as we shall fall farr short of our Quota from Pensil-
vania, and only four Hundred from Virginia, the incursions of
the Cherokees, Obliging them to keep the remainder of their
Regiment to Guard the Southern Frontiers of that Colony.
I shall be happy Sir in Concurring with you in any Stepps
for the Advancement of His Majesty's Service
I arn Sir
Your most Obedient
and most Humble Servant
Robt Monckton
To Governor Sharpe.