Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 505
the Contrary at their Peril, Given at the City of Annapolis
this 20th Day of Octr in the 28th Year of His Ldps Dominion
Annoq. Domini 1742. Since that time No Alienation Fines
have been demanded from Heirs or Devisees & it has been
supposed by the People that the late Lord drop't the Demand
upon advising with Council in England, & being informed
that he could not support his Claim; As therefore it cannot be
doubted but there will be a general Clamour against His Ldp
in Case the abovementioned Instructions be now renewed &
enforced & it is as certain that if by any means they can the
People will exempt themselves from Payment I entertain hopes
that His Ldp will before he sends his Agent peremptory
orders to Levy such Fines take the Advice of able Lawyers in
England thereon & together with his Instructions transmit a
Copy of such Lawyers opinion, wherefore that you may be
able to state the Affair properly I shall by this Opportunity
send you Copies of an Old & of a New Patent as they were
granted by His Ldp's Ancestor & himself & also a Copy or
Form of the Patents that are issued in Pennsylvania, by which
you will see that it is not the Custom there to reserve any
Alienation Fines; & as I imagined it might give His Ldp or you
some Satisfaction to see the Form of the Patents that are
issued in the Colonies which are immediately under the
Governt of the Crown, I have wrote to Govr Fauquier for a
Copy of a Virga Patent & desired Mr Ridout to apply to
a Friend of his at N York for a Copy or Form of the Patents
that are issued in that Governt which I will transmit to
you as soon as they come to hand. As you lay me under an
Injunction to speak to No Body except Mr Dulany about the
Alienation Fines on Devises & I have reason to think that was
I to mention the Affair to him it would not be long a Secret
I have declined doing it being of Opinion that if he advises
the Levying them he ought to be on the Spot ready & willing
to assist the Attorney Genl in Supporting His Ldp's Claim,
but if he is sincerely of that Opinion & is confident His Ldp
can recover Methinks it should not have been made a Secret,
but he might have freely communicated his Sentiments to me
Letter Bk. IV
thereon; I can only add that if His Ldp shall on mature Con-
sideration of what I have wrote on this Subject which I pre-
sume you will lay before him be pleased to enforce the above-
mentioned Instruction I will give the Agent all the Countenance
& Assistance in my Power. I really have not leisure at present
but as soon as the Assembly breaks up I will consider of & send
you a Draft of such Instructions as I think it would be expe-
dient for His Ldp to transmit to His Agent whenever he shall
be pleased to have the plan concerning which I did myself the
honour to write to him the 23d of May last carried into Execu-
p. 181