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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 417   View pdf image (33K)
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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 417

could have wished at that time, by making him joint Commis-
sary with Mr Tasker, & in the Office he enjoys I believe the
Son may serve His Ldp very well, but I hope you will not
think of recommending him to a Seat in the Council, since
such a Promotion would disoblige Numbers here, & oblige
No Body that I know except perhaps the Messrs Hanburys ;
not even his Father to my Knowledge would wish to see it.
I return you Thanks for the Magazines & Papers You were
pleased to send me & for the Historical Review of the Con-
stitution & Governl of Pensilva I have not as yet had Leisure
to peruse it, but from what I have seen (dipping into it) the
method pursued by the Editor seems to be little different from
that of the narrative of our Assembly's Proceedings in the year
1757 which I sometime ago transmitted to you. In answer to
your proposal for Mr Bacon's being engaged to write a His-
torical Review or Something in Justification of the measures
which have been from time to time pursued by His Ldps
Ancestors & Himself with respect to the Government of
this Province I must beg Leave to observe to you that
such a Piece could not be compleated in a long time,
since the Compiler must first peruse all the Original Council
Books & lournalls of Assembly, besides many of the Records
in the Secretary's & Land Offices before he could set about
Letter Bk.IV
his Work; that he might have Recourse or Access to those
Records he must always reside in Annapolis, which was
Mr Bacon to do & leave his Parish at this time on such an
Account, there would be such an Out Cry against him as you
can scarcely have an Idea of. his personal Enemies (& he has
not a few) together with those who are destinguish't here by
the false Appellation of Patriots knowing (& know they must)
what he was employed about & for what purpose all the
Offices & Records were open to him would stick at nothing
that might render him odious & infamous; every Failing he
has been heretofore guilty of would be exagerated, the As-
sembly would not Scruple by Resolves or other Methods to
insinuate a thousand Falshoods & I may venture to say that
on such an Occasion His Bretheren (many of whom have never
distinguish't themselves for their Gratitude to the Ld Proprie-
tary) would most chearfully join the Cry; A Clergyman taken
from the Parishioners by whom he is supported & who by
Law are obliged to support him to Vindicate an ill Adminis-
tration ! would be one of the Exclamations I should expect to
hear ecchoed thro the Province, & long would be the Catalogue
of Vices whereof His Ldp as well as His Lieutt Governor
might expect to be accused. These Considerations having
made me decline Communicating Your Proposal to Mr Bacon
I have talked to Mr Ridout on the Subject who I know had
p. 99

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
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