Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 405
tion to a Special Warrant or Warrant of Resurvey) for the
said quantity, whereupon the Register or Chief Clerk of the
Land Office makes out such Warrant, which being signed
with the Judges Names & Stamped with the Office Seal is
directed to the Surveyor General. In pursuance of this War-
rant the D Surveyor of the County where the Land lies pro-
ceeds to Survey or (as they term it) Run out the Land & then
Returns to the Examiner a Certificate of his having so done,
in such Certificate describing the Situation or place of the
Land & the Lines or Courses that Limit or bound it. The
Examiners Duty is to see that the Description is properly
made & that every part of the Certificate is in due form &
being satisfied of those particulars he endorses it & returns it
to the Land Office in order that a patent for the Land therein
described might be prepared for the Chancellor who passes it
by signing his Name & ordering the Great Seal of the Prov-
ince to be thereunto affixed, which being done the Patentee
might apply for & take it out of the Office whenever he
pleases; & in the Month of Decemr following the several
Officers to wit the Judges of the Land Office, the Surveyor,
the Examiner, & the Chancellor make out their several Ac-
counts against the Patentee for the Fees due to them respec-
Letter Bk. IV
tively, which Accounts are put into the Sheriffs hands in order
that he may collect such Fees in the Summer following, that
your Ldp may have a more clear Idea of what I have said (for
'tis difficult to express ones self on such a Subject) I shall take
the Liberty to transmit Copies of The Agents order to the
Judges of the Land Office; of a Common Warrant issued
thereupon; of the Surveyor's Certificate with the Examiners
Endorsement thereon; & of a Patent issued in Consequence
thereof; which Copies are Stitched together & marked with
the Letter A. But if the Land which the Person applying is
desirous to Secure or obtain Patent for hath either been culti-
vated by Somebody who had no Right thereto or is contiguous
to a Tract which such Person is already possessed of & to
which he would choose to add or join it, The Process is some-
what different, for then he must in the first place apply by
Petition to the Judges of the Land Office & desire a special
Warrant to survey a particular Tract or parcel of Land'the
Situation or place of which the Petition describes, or to
Resurvey the Tract he is already possessed of & to add
thereto any contiguous Vacancy: in Consequence of & agree-
able to the Request of the Petitioner either a special Warrant
or a Warrant of Resurvey (according to the Tenor of the Peti-
tion) is issued signed & sealed after the same manner as a
Common Warrant & directed to the D Surveyor of the
County where the Land applied for is situated; in pursuance
p. 80