Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 403
[Sharpe to Baltimore.]
Annapolis 23d May 1760.
My Ld
Mr Calvert Your Ldp's Secretary having in his Letter dated
the 18th Novr last wrote to me to the following purport viz.
His Ldp considering the bad Conduct & method of his pro-
vincial property under no regular measures is by Intricacy
subject to Fraud & of much Loss & Trouble to him, he there-
fore directs Propositions relative vizt that the Land Office His
Ldp's Office of Record from whence issues all Common,
Special & Resurvey Warrants, Grants & Patents of Land &
of Escheat Land, Tis proposed that part of that Office shall
be a Repositary for all the Farm Contracts from the Rent
Roll Keepers, which Contracts before delivered to the Farmers
to be examined & certified by the Judges of that Office as to
the Validity of Quit Rent of each County. And in that Office
to be Deposited the Leases of all Mannour Lands & of all
other Rights payable to the Ld Proprietor, the original Con-
tracts as often as Occasion shall happen of Renewal to be
deposited in that office ready to be produced before the Board
there, to consist of the Lieutn Governor, the Judges of the
office, the Receivers Genl & Rent Roll Keepers. The Lieutn
Letter Bk. IV
Governor with the Judges of the Land Office to sign all
Common, Special, & Resurvey Warrants, Grants & Patents
& of Escheat Land disposed of & entered on Record. The
Farm Contracts as often as renewed to be by the Receivers
Genl transmitted to the Lord Proprietor & attested Copies of
all other Concerns of his Revenue on Renewal. In order to
Compensate for this Trouble & Attendance 'tis proposed viz.
to the Judges of the Land Office their Profit as usual. To the
Lieutl Governor five pr Cent out of the Ten pr Cent as has
been usually paid on Value of Land disposed of & four pr
Cent of the said Value to the Two Receivers General One for
each Shore & the Remaining one pr Cent for an additional
Clerk to the Land Office whose Business shall be to keep
Books & make Entry of all Concerns necessary by order of
the Board at their meetings & to serve such Orders signed by
the Board or the Major Part of them, the Lieutt Governor
being always one & upon the Party served not Complying
with the Summons & Demand of the said Board on the Ld
Proprietary's Behalf, the said Board shall by their Authority
Order & Direct the Receivers General to take such measure
as the Law directs by & with the Advice of the Attorney Genl
Council for the Ld Proprietor; the Expence to be laid &
approved by the Board & to stand charged to His Ldp, & it
is proposed that five pr Cent to be paid to the Stewards of the
several Mannours out of the Ten pr Cent of Rent Value as
p. 77