prevailed on to raise & support any more Troops during the
Continuance of this War especially as I am convinced that a
Majority of their Constituents now they think themselves
secure from Danger are really averse to being burthened with
any more Taxes — Hoping that the Almighty will continue to
bless the Arms of our most gracious Sovereign during this
Campaign with as great & signal Successes as were obtained
by His Majestys Fleets & armies during the Course of the last
year on which I presume most heartily to congratulate You I
remain with the utmost Respect &c
[Sharpe to Stanwix.]
17th of April 1760.
I do myself the honour to acknowledge the Receit of Your
Lettr dated the 10th Inst. wherein you were pleased to signify
to me that you hoped the Troops which had been demanded
from this Province for the Service of the ensuing Campaign
would be at the Place of Rendezvous the 12th of next month
& in readiness to march thence in Obedience to such Orders
as may be sent them by the Officer who is appointed to com-
mand this Summer to the westward I am sorry Sr at being
obliged in answer to Your Letter to inform you that our As-
sembly broke up again the nth Inst without granting any
Supplies for His Majesty's Service, the Lower House having
once more declared their Resolution to adhere to their old
Bill & the Gentlemen who compose the Upper House being
confirmed by the Advice of His Majesty's Attorney General
Mr Pratt in their opinion that they ought not to pass it. As I
presume a particular Account of the Proceedings of the two
Houses on this occasion would afford you very little Satisfac-
tion I shall not trouble you therewith but only add that I am.
[Sharpe to Shirley.]
Annapolis in Maryland 2d May 1760.
To His Excellency Major General Shirley Governor of the
Bahama Islands.
Dr Sr
It being reported here that several Vessels belonging to
the Northern Colonies having been lately taken & carried
into Providence by some Privateers fitted out from that Island
were libelled in the Court of Vice-Admiralty there & con-
demned for the Benefit of the Captors & that notwithstanding
the Owners of such Vessels were advised by Lawyers that
such Vessels were not liable to be made Prize & that upon an