Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 389
[Sharpe to Calvert]
Annapolis 27th March 1760 transmitted by
Having been just now informed that the Distemper under
which Colo Goldsborough hath long languished will certainly
deprive us of him very shortly I have in the inclosed Letter
taken the Liberty to recommend Mr Ridout as a Gentleman
proper to succeed him in the Council which Recommendation
I flatter myself you will well approve of & that you will second
my Application. I need not I presume remind you in what
Character Mr Ridout came with me into the Province, he has
ever since resided with me as a Companion & acted as my
private Secretary by which means You will imagine he has
made himself acquainted not only with our late Transactions
but also with the early History of the Province & rendered
himself better qualified than most others to serve His Ldp in
Letter Bk. IV
any Station wherein he may be pleased to employ him. It
hath as I have intimated to you in former Letters some how
or other happened that notwithstanding my Desire to destin-
guish him by some Mark of Favour it was never in my power
to do it till Decr last when I prevailed on Mr Randolph one of
His Majesty's Surveyor's General to appoint him Collector of
the Customs in North Potowmack but I flatter myself that you
have e'er this time obtained His Ldp's Leave for me to serve
him in some other manner that I may reassume the Office of
Surveyor General of this Shore which my Predecessors
enjoyed. As I do not think it improbable that His Ldp will
be much sollicited to appoint a Gentleman of the Eastern
Shore a Councellor in the Stead of Colo Goldsborough I con-
ceive it is my Duty to intimate to you that tis not without
great Difficulty that any of the members who reside on that
side the Bay can be got over to Annapolis on any Account
whatever, by which means it often happens that I cannot col-
lect enough members to make up a Council (some of those
who reside on this Side being Invalids) & indeed Mr Tasker,
his Son the Colonel, & his Son in Law Mr Dulany have gen-
erally the Determination of every Point that is submitted to
the Consideration of the Council or that comes before the
Upper House, an Evil which I must confess I should be very
glad to see remedied. As it would give me pleasure to know
whether the Proposal I have taken the Liberty to make meets
with His Ldp's Approbation I hope you will be so kind as to
obtain & communicate to me his Answer, either by the Packett
or otherwise as soon as possible. You will find by the inclosed
Gazette that I have been again obliged to convene the As-
sembly & sollicit Supplies for the Service of the ensuing Cam-
paign & I presume you will conclude as I do from the Address
p. 65