to the then next in Desert; for as at first obtaining those
comissions should depend on their behaviour in that House,
so ought their continuance in their offices to depend on their
behaviour under their comissions, that neither his Lordship
nor the Public may suffer by either a Negligent or oppresive
discharge of their Duty.
It may perhaps be objected; What, will you hazard his
Lordships Revenues to answer the purposes of Goverment?
to which I answer, there will be no hazard of his Lordships
Revenues, for the present Farmers are of the Middling set of
People of whom the Lower House is composed, nay they are
now actually in the hands of the Sheriffs, of which comission
there are few in the Lower House who would not accept;
Besides, the Farmers must then as they do now, give good
security for their faithfull discharge of their Duty; You will
perceive too, by this Plan the Sheriffs & Farmers comissions
are to be put into different hands for the sake of Extending
the Influence; And indeed, either of them with attending at
the same time to his own private affairs, is full Employmt for
any one Man; (but with reserve agt alteration of the Sheriffs
as aforesaid) Those two comissions with those of the Deputy
Comissaries & Deputy Surveyors, I have already observed
should be sacredly applyed to the purpose of stripping the
Leaders in the Lower House of their followers, & never
Employed to any other purpose or given to any other Person's
than Members of that House or their Brothers or Sons, but
when there can be found none there worthy of that favour ;
By three years of this course of proceeding, it would be gen-
erally understood to be the Resolution of the Goverment
(without its being mentioned, which it might not be proper to
do) to bestow those places amongst the most deserving of
that House, & when it once conies to be found that getting
into that House & behaving there with prudence & Modera-
tion, is a certain & the only introduction to those Comissions,
you will have People who are now very Indifferent about
getting there, pushing to be chose with this very view.
The foregoing Plan supposes that these favours are to be
Earned before they are obtained & indeed it is much more
safe & prudent that these Gentlemen should trust to the
Honour of the Goverment than that the Goverment should
trust to their Gratitude; for it is known from experience, that
of the Numbers who have been trusted with these places,
before they have done any thing to deserve them, there is
scarce one but what has upon quitting his office, flowen in the
face of the Goverment.
It is highly proper too, for the excecution of this plan, that
the Goverment should have some one Person at least in that