Correspondence of Governor Sharpe. 359
must be on the Assembly my Case with regard to that Ac-
count is really desperate. As to the Expences that I was at
during my Stay on the Frontiers in 1756 which You'll see make
one Article in my Account I did hope & expect that the As-
sembly would have made me whole since they had intimated
to me their Desire that I would undertake that Journey: I am
sure I saved them by my Presence there while Fort Frederick
was building a much larger Sum than I have charged, but
their Proceedings when my Account was at their next meet-
ing laid before 'em leave me little room to hope that they will
ever do me Justice with respect to that Article. I never did
indeed flatter myself that the Assembly would repay me any
of the money that I disbursed on the Frontiers last Summer,
because I was then on a Service to which they had declared
an utter Aversion, I mean my Carrying Militia to garrison
Fort Cumberland & Fort Frederick in order that Brigr Forbes's
Army might be strengthened with the Soldiers which must
have been otherwise left at those Posts, but as that measure
of mine was of great Service to the General & was undertaken
at his Request I do not think I should be unreasonable in
expecting some Recompence. I have been told that the
Assemblies of the Neighbouring Colonies have not even in the
Height of their Disputes refused to make their Governors an
Allowance for all Expresses & Letters that were sent or
received by them relative to the publick Service, but our
people have formally Resolved that they will not be burthened
with any such Expence saying that such Charges ought to be
paid out of the Money that is appropriated by sundry Acts of
Assembly for the Support of Govt as Fines Forfeitures & the
like which are at present all accounted for to the Ld Propry's
Agent & Receiver General. Thus you see that in those
Respects I am in a worse Situation than any of my Brother
Governors, for which reason perhaps You'll say I ought to be
more frugal, but really with regard to the Disbursements
mentioned in the inclosed Account, I do not see how I could
have avoided them, if you should have any prospect of get-
ting me any Part of what is due Brothr Phill will be so kind as
to draw up such an Accot from the inclosed as you shall
approve of & if thought necessary subscribe my name to it.
I should I believe have extended my Accot to at least £1000
had I inserted all the Sums that I have paid at several times
on Accot of the publick Service or which at least I should not
have been liable to the Payment of had there been no Troops
employed in N America but as I did not disburse very large
Sums at any one time beside those which I have mentioned &
a great part of what I have so expended cannot be well
brought under any particular Article I thought it best to omit
Letter Bk. III