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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 232   View pdf image (33K)
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232 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.
Letter Bk. I. no Supplies have been granted here at this time for His Maj-
esty's Service. You desire to know how much the People of
this Province ought to grant annually towards carrying on the
War in America which the British Nation is engaged in on
Account of these Colonies. The Assembly You know raised
p- 363 the Sum of £40,000 for this purpose two years ago & by their
last Bill they proposed to raise £45,000 however I am of
Opinion that £30,000 is as much as the People could afford
to contribute in any one Year & I am persuaded that if the
Parliament of Great Britain was to compel us by an Act to
raise that Sum the Upper Class of People among us & indeed
all but a very few who desire to see every thing in Confusion
would be well satisfied. A Paper which I shall take the
Liberty to inclose will shew you after what manner our Taxes
have been usually raised, what is supposed to be the Annual
Income of Estates in this Province, also how much Money it
would require to support a Regiment of 700 Men according
to the Regulation which has been settled in this Province. I
have likewise added a Sketch of such an Act as I could wish
to receive from home. The Judges of the Land Office have
not yet sent me any Copies of Patents to shew that Taylors
& Iames's Islands have been always deemed to lye in the
Bay of Chesopeak & not to be part of the Peninsula or
Main Land, neither have I received any answer from
the Gentlemen of Dorchester County who were desired to
enquire whether any Persons who live on those Islands can
say that Vessels of Burthen have heretofore passed thro the
sound which divides them from the Main Land, if any such
Persons can be found their Affidavits will be taken & I shall
transmit them to you properly authenticated by the first
opportunity. Mr Emory says he cannot swear that the Map
which you have now sent me is an exact & true Copy of that
which he & Mr Hillen signed before the Maryland & Pens3
Commissioners because he did not keep any Copy of it but
he declares that this Map is laid down agreeable to the
original minutes which he took at the time of making the
Survey so far as regards the Depth of Water said to be in the
sound that divides those Islands from the main Land as well
as with Regard to the width of the two sounds called Slaughter
Creek & Oyster Creek & to the Line which is laid down as
p. 364 part of that which was run from Fenwix's Island to the Bay of
Chesopeak, I say with respect to these particulars Mr Emory
declares that this Draft is truly laid down agreeable to his
minutes & as he believes agreeable to the original Draft that
he & Mr Hillen signed. In my Letter to HisLdp I have men-
tioned the Names of several Gentn that may be appointed
Commissioners to see the Divisional Lines run between the

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 232   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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