Your Ldp's Demand of Landmen I must take the Liberty
also to assure Your Ldp that it is likewise out of my power
to supply the Fleet under Your Command, the Assembly
having declined impowering me to raise & support the
Number that the Earl of Loudoun has required of Us altho His
Ldp proposed to employ them in the immediate Defence of
this Province —
[Sharpe to Pitt]
10th of Febry 1758—
As soon as I had the honour to receive the Earl of Holder-
nesse's Letter dated the 20th of May last I sent to Each of the
Naval Officers in this Govt a Copy of the Additional Instruc-
tion which His Majesty was pleased to give the 5th of Octr
1756 for preventing more effectually any Depredations being
committed by the Masters or Crews of British Privateers on
any Spanish Vessels & I directed the Naval Officers to
examine the Masters of all Privateers or Vessels having
Letters of Marque that should come into their respective Dis-
tricts & in case any of them should not have received a Copy
of that Instruction I desired the Naval Officers to deliver
them one & to enjoin the strictest observance of it. I shall
however upon the Receit of your Letter dated the 16th of
Septr last write again to the Judge of our Court of Vice
Admiralty & to the Naval Officers upon this Subject, & if any
Person that might be suspected of having committed any such
outrages as are mentioned in the paper you were pleased to
inclose me shall come into this province I will give orders for
his being proceeded agst with the utmost Severity —