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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
Volume 9, Page 136   View pdf image (33K)
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136 Correspondence of Governor Sharpe.

Liber J. R.
& U. S. p. 222

[Sharpe to Lloyd.]

Annapolis 25. of January 1758
You will easily guess that I was surprised to learn from
your Letter of the 18: Instant that Mr. Hands had wrote any
such Letter to Captain Brown as you mention when I assure
you that I had never desired him to do so, or to concern him-
self after any manner whatever with the Militia of your
County, however I find by a letter which I have received
also from Mr. Hands as well as by yours that he did call on
Captain Browne to give him a positive Answer whether he
should march or not, but I find at the same time that his inter-
fering so far was intirely owing to a Mistake of Mr. Forty, and
not to any Forwardness or Error of that Gentleman himself.
I thank you for acquainting me so freely with what had hap-
pened, and assure you that I should have wrote to you with
the same Freedom, if your Conduct on all Occasions had not
been such as I well approved of. I am very sorry Captain
Brown should be still unable to persuade his Men to march
to the Frontiers in Obedience to my Orders, and I am more
concerned that he should have declined certifying to a Magis-
trate the Names of such as refused to march when he had my
peremptory Orders to do so. I have not sealed the inclosed
that you may see what Answer I have given to Captain
Brown's last Letter, and I hope it will have its proper Weight,
but if the Captain should for Fear of incurring the Censure of
a few popular Men or to curry Favour with those that he has
a Right and ought to command still decline to return to a
Magistrate the Names of those Men that refuse to march, I
must desire you to return them or to see that they are returned
or certified by some other Field Officer, that the Law may
have its Effect. I need not point out to you the ill Con-
sequences that would necessarily follow was I to connive at
his Company's Refusal to obey them; the only way to prevent
them is to insist on Captain Brown's Compliance, and not-
withstanding what has already happened I persuade myself
that when you have talked with the Captain again and deliv-
ered him my Letter he will shew a proper Spirit and act with the
Resolution becoming a Gentleman in his Station. I am &c.
To Col. Richard Lloyd. H: S:

[Sharpe to Browne.]

Annapolis 25th January 1758
I am sorry your Letter of the 18: Instant should have made
it necessary for me to add any thing to the Instructions I have

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Correspondence of Governor Sharpe, 1757-1761
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