Patuxent (Patussen, Bartuxant, Puttux-
ent), 13, 52, 54, 80, 81, 84, 86, 87, 88,
92 93. 94. 191. 205, 249. 256, 260, 329,
368, 378. 379, 398, 475. 559. 564.
Patuxent District, 37, 38, 163, 192, 240,
243, 306, 329, 368.
Patuxent (Puttnxent) River, 153, 155,
156, 176, 186, 209, 246, 247, 307, 309,
314, 351, 406, 472, 473.
Pawman, John, 131.
Payne, John, 38, 138, 145, 148, 163, 166,
169-177, 179, 186, 192, 195, 231, 232,
241-244, 246-249, 254-262, 306-309,
329. 516.
Payne, Thomas, 210.
Payne, William, 173, 174,175, 243.
Peake, Joseph, 137.
Peal, Richard, 147.
Pearce, Richard. 240.
Pearce (Peirce), William, 22, 34, 35.
Peecock, John, 132.
Peeke, William, 129.
Pembroke, Earl of, 174.
Penciquid (place), 487.
Pendall, James, 398.
Penn, William, 112, 237, 358.
Pennington, Francis, 44.
Pennsylvania, 27, 33, 100, 157, 173, 198,
358, 381, 400, 478, 480, 518, 538, 540,
Penobscot, 459, 460, 461, 479, 487.
Pepper, Richard, 140.
Pepper, Tobias, 140.
Perkens, Francis, 374.
Perry, Robert, 141, 281, 282, 285.
Perrys, Micajah, 281, 282.
Peter, Samuel, 445.
Peteffranck, John, 140.
Petre, Edward, 41.
Peverill, Daniel, 137.
Peyton, Rebecca, 69.
Phebus, George, 140.
Philip (ship), 502, 563, 564.
Philips, Frederick, 327, 514.
Philips, Henry, 139.
Phillips, George, 371.
Phillips, James, 136.
Phillips, Roger, 141, 548.
Phillips (Philipps), Samuel, 44, 45, 46,
163, 181, 182, 185, 371.
Philpott, Edward, 138.
Phipps, Sir William, 327.
Pibson, Miles, 283.
Pindar, Edward, 22, 283, 284, 285, 316,
Piper, William, 19.
Piscataway-, 178, 200, 3.27.
Piscataway (Piscattua, Pascattoway),
Emperor of, 84, 90, 206, 208, 384,461,
469. 517.
Piscataway Fort, 74, 328.
Piscataway Indians, 79, 206, 208.
Pitt, Thomas, 238.
Planer, William, 141.
Planer, William, Jr., 141.
Plater (Playton), George, 90, 91, 146,
247, 248, 260, 368, 446.
Platt (Plott), Ralph, 78, 81, 83, 85.
Plebe, George, 138.
Plummer, Thomas, 351, 355.
Plymouth, 114, 210. 211, 374, 375, 427.
Pocomoke (Pocomack), 192, 205, 538.
Pocomoke River, 47, 481.
Point Comfort, 167, 187, 197, 198, 232.
Polard (Palard), John, 283, 285.
Polk, Robert, 140.
Polk, William, 140.
Pollett, Thomas, 140.
Pomptocus (Indian), 36.
Poole, A., 20, 21.
Poole, Thomas, 141.
Pope, John, 140, 443, 539, 560, 562.
Pope, Margaret, 33, 34, 560, 561, 563.
Popinjay (place), 406.
Porter, Giles, 14.
Porter, John, 141.
Portobacco, 7, 76, 91.
Posey, Benjamin, 138.
Potomack, 192, 205, 208, 209, 378, 398,
509. 510.
Potomack Creek, 85.
Potomack River, 82, 88, 89, 92, 116,
156, 181, 206.
Povey, John, 200, 207, 212, 231, 233,
235, 236, 241, 281, 282, 286, 288, 297,
299, 364, 370. 430.
Powell, John, 52.
Powell, Robert, 138.
Powis, Lord, 41.
Powle, Henry, 294, 409.
Poynter, Thomas, 140.
Preind, James, 238.
Preston, Thomas, 137.
Price, Abraham, 146.
Price, Henry, 134.
Price, Mordecai, 477.
Price, Thomas, 246, 247, 260, 261, 262.
Prince of Orange, 196, 218, 224, 553.
Prince of Wales, 50, 218.
Princess Ann County, 367.
Probe, Edward, 147.
Procter, Alexander, 139.
Procter, Robert, 411.
Pucker, Nathaniel, 134.
Pullen, Richard, 23.
Purling, William, 107.