Doctor Burnet particularly named in the Pardon, & the Bishop
of London exempted out of the Pardon & no Iesuit to be in
England, Protestant Religion to flourish and all other Orders
except the Iesuits to have Liberty of Conscience in Engld that
severall in England offered publickly to lay Wagers that King
Iames would be there in two Months, when being checked by
others for so saying they would confidently stand up & say I
am the Man that said it do what you will, & further the said
Vansweeringen said that they were all Routed meaning (as
this Deponent conceives) the Confederate Forces, & would
not be able to face the French again the Lord knows when
all which Intelligence the said Vansweeringen affirmed he
had from Protestants & some that were now of the chief in
Power here, and that there were those now in Power here who
waited but for an opportunity to hear that King Iames was
safe in England & then they would be for him and further
this Deponent saith not nor doth at Present remember
Iurat 29o Die Marti 1693 Gill Turbevile
coram me
L Copley
The Deponent further calling to mind saith that the said
Garret Vansweeringen did say he had an Inkling of all before
from Mr Fitzhugh, but now since he hath heard it from Prot-
estants & those of the chief in power here that he Could say
much more which was not fit to be spoken
Gill Turbevile
Iurat ut ante
L. Copley
His Excellency the Govr produced & ordered to be read &
communicated to the Board these following Letters from New
York (vizt)