The within Edward Blake Iames Claypoole George
[sealed] Moor and Henry Vanderburgh were attested before
me to the truth of the within
Wm Markham Lt Govr
Read the severall Letters ordered to be writ to the Lords of
the Treasury &ca as before (vizt)
Maryland Decr 21st 1692
May it please your Lordships
Having had just occasion to represent home to the right
honble the Lords Committees of trade and plantations
amongst other things the rude and insolent Behaviour of
Mr Edwd Randolph Surveyor Genll of the customs here in
opposition to the present Government and the disturbance of
their Majestys good and leige Subjects Wee hold it our duty
likewise to give your Lordships a short and brief accot thereof
he hath approved himself a Person Contemptuous of the Gov-
ernment and despising all manner of Authority but his own
oppressing and tyrannizing over the Subjects commanding &
abusing their Persons pressing taking and employing their
Servants Boats Horses &ca without pay by colour of his Office
making littegious and illegall seizures at his pleasure, and
compounding privately with others for the breach of their
Bonds though never so apparent as by the Copys inclosed
your Lordships may perceive he is in fine altogether averse
to the present constitution and Frame of Government and
expecting wishing and praying for a change and consorts him-
self with none others but Professed Papists and others their
Majestys open and known Enemies with whom he makes it
his Business to drink healths frequently to the man that should
have his Mare again (a by word by them used to signify King
James's return to the crowne) encouraging in them the hopes
of seing the same effected by May day next which would
have been otherwise taken notice of and he secured by the
Govr till the Kings Pleasure had not his sudden and private
Departure out of the Province prevented & in his return visit-
ing none but the dissafected party: may it please your Lord-
ships the due sence of our duty and our own Zeal and Affec-
tion to their Majestys Service only and not any private or
particular annimosity has drawn from us this Information, which