Deponent replyed that if a tenth part was due unto his honor
he was willing to allow it, and as for giving bond for due
execution of his Office in the Ist place this deponent replyed
that he had officiated as Deputy Clerk and Clerk for several
years but bond for the due performance of the place before
was never required of him nor any complaint for any misfeaz-
ance in the said place was made against him that hee knew of
but if his honor did require such bond he was willing to give
it him onely requesting his honor to send up the Bond into
Charles County and there he would give him security because
he knew not well how to give him security at St Maries which
his honor was willing unto, and requested this deponent to
draw a bond for sixty thousand pounds of tobacco leaving
blanks for the securities names after a forme he gave him to
draw it by, and also to draw a Commission for the said Clerkes
place which his honor signed and sealed and delivered to this
Deponent together with the bond to be filled up and soe to be
sent downe again to his honor Whereupon this deponent gave
his honor Sir Thomas his bill for the payment of 3000lb of
Tobacco for his tenth part of the Fees due from October in the
year of our Lord 1691: until October in the year of our Lord
1692. And further his honor told this deponent that hee
expected that hee would allow him some what for his Com-
mission and said that he would not demand anything for the
same but left it to this deponent what he thought fitt to allow
him, and though his Commission was granted to him for one
year, yet if noe complaint came against him he would renew
it againe for a longer time Whereupon this deponent replyed
to his honor and told him hee had given him a bill for 3000. of
Tobacco for his tenth part of the Fees from October 1691.
untill October 1692 and that if he were to render an account
of the Fees and Profits upon his oath before his honor his
tenth part would hardly come to 2000lb of Tobacco and there-
fore was willing to pay his honor the said 3000lb of Tobacco
which this Deponent supposed might be sufficient for his tenth
part and the Commission and further saith not.
Cleborne Lorn ax
True Copy examd p
John Llewellin Cl: Con:
Sworne & examined before us
here under written the 18th day
of October Ann: Dom: 1692.
Wm Barton
Henry Hawkins.
Received 18th May 1693.
B. G.
P. 24.
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. G.