and just account of the reall and true Profits incomes Per-
quisits and advantages thereby yearly arising and accruing
which accot together with two third parts of the said Profitts
incomes perquisitts and advantages you are from time to time
and at all times hereafter as occasion shall offer or you shall
be thereunto required to render and make good to me or my
Assigns, and the remaining third part thereof to reserve and
keep to your self for your care pains and trouble therein and
I do hereby straightly prohibit and forbid all and all manner
of other Persons whatsoever, others then such as shall be
authorised and impowred by and under you to meddle with
act or do any thing in or relating to the Premises or in any
wise to disturb interrupt molest or hinder you the said Edward
Greene in the due and full Execution hereof willing and
requiring in their Majestys Name all Officers and Majistrates
military and civill within this Province and others the Inhabit-
ants of the same to suffer and Permit you the said Edward
Greene and such Person or Persons to be by you authorised
and impowred as aforesaid quietly and peacably to execute
and perform the powers and authority hereby given and
granted you and to resist oppose and prevent all others
Strangers, Intruders or Interlopers whatsoever that shall pre-
sume or attempt at any time hereafter to intermeddle or con-
cern themselves therewith without Leave or License so to do
first Legally had and Obtained To have and to hold the
place and Office aforesaid and the powers and Authoritys
herein and hereby given and Granted to you the said Edward
Greene for and during Pleasure you first giving bond with
sufficient security in the sum of five hundred Pounds Sterl to
one of their Majestys Iustices of the peace for
the said County of Somerset to my use for your true and just
Performance hereof according to the severall Covenants
Clauses and Articles herein contained which on your part and
behalf ought to be done and performed Given at the City of
St Marys under my hand and Seal this 18th day of October in
the 4th Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady
King William and Queen Mary Anno Domini 1692
L: Copley
Liber K.
Charles County ss
The Deposition of Cleborne Lomax clerk of Charles County
taken before us Captain William Barton and Mr Henry
Hawkins two of their Majesties' Justices of the Peace for the
County aforesaid by virtue of an Order from His Excellencie
the Governor and the honble the Councill bearing date the
15th day of October Ann: Dom: 1692.
Cleborne Lomax sworne & examined saith that when he
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. G.
p. 24