Now may it Please your Honours the better to corrobate
and Confirm your Petitioners just and equitable right and title
to the Premises in regard the said Hopkins hath anticipated
your Petitioner in recording his conveyance aforesaid your Peti-
tioner humbly prays an order from this Honourable Board
may issue to the Iustices of the said County Court to vacate
annull and make void by an order of their Court the Convey-
ance and record thereof to the said Hopkins as surreptitiously
and fraudulently obtained and confirm that of your Petitioners
as his just and equitable right and title
And shall pray &ca
which Petition was thus answered and endorsed (vizt)
By the Govr & Councill Octr 6th 1692
The tenor of the Petition containing matter of Law this
Board cannot take cognizance thereof, but refer the same to
be decided by the Law: howbeit it seemeth to this Board that
the Petitioner hath the most just and equitable right to the
Land within mentioned
Sign'd p Order
J LLewellin Cl Councill