Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1692-1694. 327
fresh hopes of Assistance from your Colony by your happy
Arrival to settle Government there, therefore reckon it Our
Duty in time to acquaint You therewith, to give your Excel-
lency the Opportunity of exerting the Powers their Majesties
have conferred upon You, in a service which so much con-
cerns the honor of the Crown, as well as the Safety of your
Colony, and our and your Neighbours, which We believe You
will willingly embrace, Our Assembly are raising two hun-
dred Fusileers to reinforce that Garrison, and there will be
300 more wanting. We pray for your speedy Answer, and
to hasten your Aid and Assistance, We have again applyed
to the rest of Our Neighbours, but expect little at present
from New England, having no Advice as yet of Sr William
Phipps Arrival, from Virginia and your Colony are Our
greatest hopes; We wish your Excy a long and happy Gov-
ernment under their Majesties and subscribe
Your Excellencys real friends and servants
Liber K.
p. 17
We have been at the Charge
Rich: Jngoldesby
Wm Smith
of 700l in presents to the
J Dudley
Ch: Brooke
Indians 3500 for the fusileers
Frederich Philips
P Minerell
at Albany 1200 for the Expe-
S: V: Cortlands
W Nicolls
dition to Canada
John Lawrence
5400 besides many Jncidents of
that Garrison which cannot
be easily brought into heads
Fort William Henry the 25th of April 1692.
To His Excellency Col Copley Captn General and Governor
in Chief of their Majesties Territory of Maryland
By the house of Assembly June the 9th 1692
This house do humbly conceive that matters concerning
Peace and War belong to the King to conclude, and therefore
refer themselves for an Answer to be given to the within men-
tioned Letter by his Excellency
signed p Order Henry Denton Clk Assembly
Whereupon it is considered by this Board, and advised that
his Excelly the Governor (if he please) do supply and assist
that Government of New York with One hundred Pounds
Sterling towards their Aid & Relief, & to have the same reim-
bursed to him again, out of the Duty of 4d p Gallon on
Liquors imported so soon as it shall be received
Upon Complaint made by the Emperor and Great Men of
Piscattaway and other Indian Townes against the Irregularity
of their young Men when they get drunk, and desiring the
Prohibition of carrying Rum or Other strong Drink among
them for the future, this following Order of Council issued