P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. G.
any Englishman that shall appear upon his call to take up and
in case no one appear that he shall there leave his said Arms
if he come nearer and that afterwards he shall by calling aloud
endeavour to give notice to the English of his hearer Ap-
proach And if any Englishman shall kill an Indian that shall
come unpainted and give notice and deliver up his arms afore-
said he shall dy for it as well as an Indian that kills an English-
man And in case the Indian and English meet accidentally in
the Woods every Indian shall be bound immediately to throw
down his arms upon call and in case an Indian so meeting an
Englishman shall refuse to throw down his arms upon call he
shall be deemed as an Enemy.
4thly The Priviledge of Crabbing Fowling Hunting and
Fishing shall be preserved to the Indians inviolably.
5thly That every Indian that killeth or stealeth an Hogg
Calfe or other Beast or any other goods shall undergo the
same punishment that an Englishman doth for the same
6thly In case anv servants or slaves run away from their
Masters and come to any of the Indian Towns within the Ter-
ritories of the said Indian King and his subjects they shall be
bound to apprehend the said Fugitives and bring them to the
next English Plantation to be conveyed to their Master and in
case any Indian aforesaid shall convey or assist any such
Fugitives in their Flight out of this Province he shall make
their respective Master or Masters of such servants or slaves
such satisfaction as an Englishman ought to do in the like case.
7thly That the said King shall not make any new peace with
our enemies nor shall make any Warr without the consent of
the Governor of this Province for the tyme being
8thly In case the said Maquantah or any Indian subject to
him shall kill any Indians or any other in Peace and Amity
with their said Majestys it shall be esteemed as great an Offence
as killing of an Englishman
9thly That neither the said King nor any of the Indians
under his subjection do at any tyme hereafter keep harbour
or entertain among them or within their Forte any foreign or
strange Indians or know or discover any such to appear or
come into this Province without giving tymely and all possible
speedy notice thereof to his Excellency the Governor or some
Majistrate or other Officer a person of Note by whome the
same may be communicated with all expedition to the said
Governor or Governor of this Province for the tyme being for
his advice and direction therein.
10thly That as a further Testimony of their Leage Peace and
Friendship with their Majestys and as they expect protection
from them and their Government here there be yearly paid by
the said King as a Tribute to their said Majestys an Indian