and Territory. We reposing especiall Trust and Confidence
in your Loyalty Courage and circumspection, do by these
Presents constitute and appoint you the said Sir Edmond
Andros, upon the death of the said Captain Francis Nicholson
and in the absence of the said Colonel Lionel Copley to be
Commander in Chief in and over our said Province and Ter-
ritory of Maryland. To have, hold exercise and enjoy the
Office and Place of Commander in Chief of Our said Province
and Territory of Maryland, for and during Our Pleasure, with
all the Rights Priviledges and Profits and Advantages to the
same belonging and appertaining in case of the death of the
said Captain Francis Nicholson and absence of the Colonel
Lionel Copley as aforesaid with full power and authority to
execute and perform all and singular the Powers and direc-
tions contained in our said commissions to the said Colonel
Lionel Copley and such Instructions as we have already or
shall hereafter from time to time send to him. And we hereby
command all and singular our Officers, Ministers and Loving
Subjects of our said Province and Territory and all others
whom it may concern, to take due notice hereof and to give
their ready Obedience accordingly. Given at Our Court at
Kensington the third day of March 1691/2 In the fourth year
of our Reign.
By His Majesty's Commands
P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 8.