P. R. O.
B. I. Vol. 2,
B. E.
Nich: Gassaway
Nicholas Greenbury
Iohn, Edmondson
Edward Iones, Geo: Robotham.
Vivian Beale. David, Browne.
Iohn, Courts.
Iohn, Brookes.
Henry, Trippe
Iohn Thomas.
Tho: Staly
From the people of Maryland
to the King.
Read 22nd Nov. 90.
and 5th Decr
p. 28
The Deposition of Iohn Hammond of Anne Arundle County
Gentleman Sworn, saith that at August Court in the yeare
1689 at London Towne Captain Richard Hill and the de-
ponent being at great differance concerning the present
Iunture of affaires heare in Maryland the said Hill was so
much in passion and inraged against the present proceedings
heare in Maryland and tht he swoar he would prevent all such
rebellion and tht it was Rebellion in the highest degree in those
persons tht had taken up Armes against the Lord Baltemore or
his intrist thereupon the said Hill advised the deponant not
to forfeit his Lands and estates if not his life under a pretence
of serveing he did not know how a King William (but pray)
be not too hasty in serveing the Prince of Orringe Before you
are certaine tht he is King of England which is to be ques-
tioned wheither he is King of England or not and swore by his
God if he were so he could not give account how he could
come by the Crowne of England by faire play, for he could
claime noe Right neither by decent Law or Iustice and tht it
was treason to proclaime the prince of Oringe King of
England and tht he would proove when called by good Law
and Couted the Lord Cooke and tht the said Hill sume time
after in the mounth of September did mett with the said
deponant and then did insist the most of the above said words,
with many scourrilous speeches and further the Deponant saith
Sworne before me the Iohn. Hammond
15th day of Iuly 1690
Nicholas Greenberry