hand. Gentlemen, Colonell Digges is altogether a stranger
to me but understand he is a gentleman that hath an Estate
in this Government and for what I can finde hath carryed him-
self all the time he hath been in this Government with all sub-
mission and obedience to their Majesties and their Govern-
ment but if any such thing as Mr Coode intimates shall be
made evident to me, I shall take care that he or any others soe
guilty shall be secured and prosecuted as the matter shall
require but the writeing soe in a letter without proofe can be
noe accusation of any man. Gentlemen, as to the business of
New Yorke and the Northern Indyans, I am sorry to heare of
the bloody murthers committed by those Barbarous Enemys
the French and Canada Indyans I shall as I am intrusted by
his sacred Majesty be very diligent fully to informe my selfe
of all the proceedings about the same and Endeavor all that
can be the security of this, their Majesties Country and the
Inhabitants thereof, from those barbarous Enemys or any other
their Majesties Enemys according to the trust reposed in me,
and shall also contribute what lyes in me to the assistance and
safety of all his Majestie's subjects in Generall in these parts as
soon as I can rightly and fully be informed of the matter from
such persons as are lawfully authorized by their Maties which
I hope suddenly to receive and that Colonell Slaughter who
his Majestie hath sent Governor to New York is before this
time there arrived who was to come in one of their Majesties
Friggetts with soldiers, I shall desire of you that for their
Majesties service you will communicate to me, what true and
certaine intelligence you shall at any time receive about these
barbarous Enemies and if you understand any danger of their
approaching our Frountiers give me speedy notice thereof, that
wee may be the more ready to repell them, and I shall take
the same care to give you notice of any Intelligence I shall
receive in that or any other nature, that may be for the security
of their Majesties subjects in the Province of Maryland Gen-
tlemen, I doubt not but his Majestie's Orders sent by the
Ketch that noe Shipps shall goe to Europe but in Fleetes is
come to Maryland and hope you will take care that noe Shipps
or Vessells be permitted to sayle from thence until the 24th oi
Iuly next and that before any are Cleared their Majesties' Col-
lectors will take good security that the said shipps shall sayle
directly to Poynt Comfort in lames River and there remaine
under the Protection of his Majesties Friggots untill the Fleete
sayle and under the Charge of the two Convoyes that are sent
in by his sacred Majestie to secure the Marchants' Shipps from
Virginia and Maryland to England, of this I thought it m
duty to give you notice, it being of great concerne for their
Majesties' Service and the Security of the Shipps and if you
P. R. O.
B. I Vol. 2,
B. E.