Address of the Inhabitants of the
County of Somersett.
Nover the 28th 1689.
To the King and Queen most Ext Majty.
Wee your Majesty's Subjects in the County of Somersett
and Province of Maryland, being refreshed and Encouraged
by your Majestys great and prosperous undertakings, and by
your late gracious letter to these of this Province, do cast our-
selves at your Majesty's feet humbly desiring and hopefully
expecting the continuance of your Majtys care of us, as our
Case and Circumstances doe or may require, in the confidence
whereof wee resolve to continue (by the grace of God) in the
Profession and defence of the Protestant Religion and your
Majesty's Title and interest against the French and other
Papists that oppose and trouble us in soe just and good a
cause not doubting but your Majestys wisdom and clemency
will afford unto us all needful suitable Aid and Protection for
securing our Religion, lives and liberty under Protestant Gov-
ernors and Government, and for enabling us to defend our-
selves against all Invaders. Thus praying for your Majestys
long and happy Reigne over us, Wee know ourselves to bee
(with due Reverence and sincerity.)
Your Majestys Loyall Obedient and
humble Subjects
John Huett William Wilmot
Wm Coulbourne junr Micayah Sadler
Thomas Wilson John Chanceleer
Henry Philips John Smoche
John Parsons Nicholas Cornwell
Thomas Shild Robert Cade
Thomas Stivenson John Miller
James Knox Adam Spence
John Browne Tho. Midgley
Wm Alexander John Baron
Randolph Revell John Deale
Peter Elzery Martin Curtis
James Smith Clement Giles
Epraem Wilson Robert Johnson
Thomas Smith William Bowen
John Knox Devoraux Diegas
Thomas Wallr Robert Simson
John Knox Edward Evans
Thomas Wallr Hugh Jingle
Alexander Knox John Coltston
Alexander Procter Richard Warren
John Renshaw Mathew Jones
James Conner Richard Hill
P. R. O.