prietaries of the said Province by Charter of your royall Pro-
genitors, wherein our Rights and Freedoms are so interwoven
with his Lordships Prerogative that we have alwaies had the
same liberties and priviledges secured to us as other your
Majesties Subjects in the Kingdom of England And we again
by virtue of the said Charter (as it enjoined us) have alwaies
paid our obedience to the Lord Baltemore and his honble father
by whom equally and indifferently were justice, favour, authority
and preferment administered, bestowed conferred, and given
to and upon your Majestys Subjects of all persuasions.) Doe
in prostrate and humble manner testifie to your Majestys that
we abhorr and detest the falsehood and unfaithfulness of John
Coade, and other his Associates and Agents, who first by dis-
persing untrue Reports of prodigious Armies of Indians and
French Papists invading us did stir up unjust jealousies and
dismal apprehensions in the less cautious sort of people of this
Province and then having thereby created in them unnecessary
fears, and disposed the people to mutiny and tumult, made a
furthur insurrection, and extorted the lawfull Government
from the Lord Propry who was alwaies as ready to redress our
aggrievances as we to complain. And now the said Coade and
his accomplices having assumed the Government upon them-
selves, and procured a convention to be tumultously assem-
bled, did tyrannically imprison restrain and turn out of civil
and military Comissions several of your Majesties good Sub-
jects of unquestionable loyalty and affection to the Church of
England, who approv'd not his Actions and who might justly
by virtue of your Majestys Proclamation have continued in
authority, and done your Majty good service. And those del-
egates in that manner convened being part, or most of them,
factious persons of no commendable life and conversation have
arbitarily decreed and ordained many things to the inconven-
ience of your Majesties People, placed the Militia of several
Counties in the hands of unworthy and infamous persons and
(the better to make their decrees be observed) many of the
said Delegates have procured themselves to be put in judicial
places, to the horror of your Majesties more peacable Subjects.
From the dangers and apprehensions whereof, wee your
Majties loyall and dutiful Protestant Subjects in these our
Addresses humbly crave by your Majties care and prudence to
be freed and enlarged, & that the Government together with
your Majesties favour, and a lasting Settlement may be again
restored to the Rt Honble the Lord Baltemore, which will make
him and us happy, and give us a new occasion to bless God &
pray for yr Majties long life & happy Reign.
Tho: Smithson. Tho. Hopkins.
Ro. Gouldsbrough.
P. R. O.