P. R. O.
letter) by his gracious promise of protection and succours.
Have likewise given orders to His Majesty's Collectors here,
and the navall Officers that noe ships sayle from here here-
after but in fleets, or by His Majesty's commands. It is noe
small advantage to His Majties Service that your Lordship's
letter came noe sooner into this Province, whereby it might
happen into the hands of the late Governours who have upon
all occasions expressed their dependance and hopes in the
French disclaimed His Majestye and have publiquely owned
and declared for the late Kinge James, who would therefore in
all probability improve the same (as they might manage it) to
the greate prejudice of His Majesty's interests, especially
haveinge orders from the sayd late Kinge James (whome they
still soe much magnifye) to the contrary, as the enclosed sent
your Lordship in which affair this is remarkable that in the
mean time Colonel Dungan Governor of New Yorke sent
orders as from the sayd Kinge James to this Province and Vir-
ginia, to rayse money for the sayd Dungan's assistance against
the French which am informed was complyed with in Virginia,
but disobeyed here, for reasons sufficiently obvious and con-
siderable, all which with all humility and respect leave to your
Lordship's consideration
I am
May it please your Lordship
Your Lordship's most obedient and
humble servant
Jno Coode.
22. Septr 1689.
From Coll. Coode to the Earl of Shrewsbury
Received from my Lord Shrewsbury 7th Feb: 1689.
Charles Carrol to Lord Baltemore
St Maryes September the 25th 1689.
My most honrd Lord,
I believe your Lordship has ere now had some intelligence
either by Captain Burneham or Johnson of the strange rebel-
lion your ungrateful people of this your Lordship's Province
have involved themselves in, moved by the wicked instigations
of Code, Jowles, Blackston, Cheseldyn, Parson, Thurling and
severall others to that degree that they have quite unhinged
your Lordship's Government and (as if there were noe justice
to be had but such as they please to distribute, or as if the
whole body of the Lawes were to be annulled by their wild