P. R. O.
Col. Entry
Vol. 52.
p. 117
Master of the vessell should otherwise pretend cause of delay
whereby his Majesty's service might be very much prejudiced.
I am etc
Memoranda, The 26th Aprill 1689.
Their Lordships taking into consideration the Present State
of the Plantations with Relation to the War with France,
among other things to be Represented to his Majesty agree to
move his Majesty that as Maryland Pensilvania and Carolina
are Proprieties of Great extent in America which do not hold
themselves subject to his imediate Government nor render
any account to his Majesty of their proceedings his Majesty
would please in this conjuncture to give such directions as may
better secure their Majesty's interest in those parts and putt
them into a condition of defence against the enemy.
Upon which Representation his Majesty in Councill the 2nd
of Aprill 1689 was pleased to order their Lordships to propose
to his Majesty what may be fitt to be done for securing their
Majesty's interest in the severall proprieties in America
Whereupon their Lordships by their Report of the 16th of
May 1689 among other things Represented to his Majesty as
May it please your Majesty
We have furthered considered the present condition of
Maryland, Penselvania and Carolina, as they are Provinces of
great extent and importance to the Crown, but as they have
been formerly granted by your Majesty's Predecessors to sev-
erall persons in absolute propriety by which Title they claime
a right of Government. Wee humbly conceive their present
circumstances and relation they stand in to the Government of
England to be a matter worthy the consideration of the Par-
liament for the bringing of those proprietys and dominions
under a nearer dependance on the Crown
All which is most humbly