Autumm To Christopher Nugent To William Giles To Daniell
Sealey To William Ingle To John Spicer To John Hall To
Richard Richins To John Remshaw To Samuell Jones To
James Brockenden To Samuell Tockfield To George Harris
To John Ward To Edward Cary To Manus Morrice To John
Crawley To George Sturgess To Edward Wotton To James
Silvane To John Warner To Peter Parsone To Morgan Evans
To John Parsones To George Hill To James Ingram To
Thomas Ralph To John Boosh To Francis Johnson To John
Richards To Augustine Marrow To William Vaughan To
Lewis Beard To Alexander Thomas To Richard Aldridge To
Wm Smith To John A/nnrl To Humphry Jarvis To Samuell