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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 77   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678. 77

County within this Province But the same shall be fairely and
methodically transcribed by each respective County Court
into the said Booke or Register to be provided as aforesaid
and written in the Beginning of the said Booke—
Bee itt likewise Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That
An Act intituled An Act concerning a Register of Birthes
Marriages & Burialls made in the yeare of our Lord one thou-
sand six hundred fiuety & Eight be & is hereby Repealed and
made voyd this Act to endure for three yeares or to the end
of the next Generall Assembly—

An Act imposeing a penalty on all such who shall dispose of
Tobacco Seized and Received by the Sherriffe and others.

Liber W. H.
& L.

Whereas divers and great greivances have happened within
this Province through the many cheates and deceits that many
have vsed in disposeing of and altering the marke and qualityes
of Tobacco after the said Tobaccoes have been seized on And
Received by the sherriffe either for fines Leavyes or his Lord-
shipps Rent or hath been payd away to Marchants or others
and by them marked and Received whereby both the Publick
hath been much abused and wronged and many private per-
sons have Received great damages in their said goods Bee itt
therefore Enacted by the Right Honble the Lord Proprietary
by and with the Consent of the upper and lower houses of this
present Generall Assembly that what person soever shall dis-
pose of any Tobacco or other goods seized on or Received by
Sherriffes for fines Leavyes or his Lordships Rent or other
Publick officers fees or that shall alter or Scratch out the
marke of any Tobacco soe Received or that shall alter or
Change the quality of Tobacco soe Received or by any
Marchant or other Received either by vncaseing or otherwise
without Lawfull order or Warrant in writeing vnder hand of
such sherriffe who has Received the same or of such Merchant
or other person who has had Received and marked the same
or for whose vse the same was Received and marked shall be
lyable being convicted by Confession or Sufficient wittness in
some Court of this Province to Restore four fould to the party
grieved and to stand in the Pillory two full houres dureing the
Court time with his offence fairely written in a peece of paper
and placed vpon his back Provided noe person shall be
impleaded or prosecuted uppon this Act after twelve moneths
from the time that the fact shall be Comitted Provided alsoe
That this Act shall Continue for three yeares or to the end of
the next Generall Assembly and noe longer

p. 156

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 77   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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