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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 69   View pdf image
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Assembly Proceedings, OctoberNovember 1678. 69

Sherriffes in their Respective offices hath prompted and
imboldned them to abuse Terrify and trample vpon the poore
Inhabitants of this Province and to Exact and Extort from
them Excessive and Exorbitant fees Contrary to Act of Assem-
bly This present Generall Assembly being very desireous that
all such absurdities and abuses may fully and Effectually be
prevented and avoyded for the future And that noe Sherriffe
nor vndersherriffe may vppon presumption of being long Con-
tinued in his place Attempt to threaten or Terrify any of the
Inhabitants of this Province by Colour of his office or by his or
their Insolent and haughty behauiour Terrify such wronged and
abused Inhabitant from makeing their Iust Complaints known
for feare of further mischiefe or revenge from such Sherriffe or
vndersherriffe in any succeeding or future yeare. Doe pray
that itt may be Enacted and bee itt Enacted by the Right
Honble the Lord Proprietary of this Province by and with the
advice and Consent of the upper and lower houses of this
present Generall Assembly That from and after the first day of
may which shall be in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six
hundred seventy Nyne Noe Sherriffe or vndersherriffe of any
County within this Province shall Continue and Remaine in
his or their office or offices of Sherriffe or vndersherriffe of
such County for any longer or greater time then one whole
yeare from the first time of his Entrance into such office or
offices Any Law or vsage to the Contrary in any wise not-
withstanding vnless that such sherriffe or sherriffes soe to be
Comissionated and Continued for a longer time then one
yeare for every yeare after the said first yeare shall procure
from their respective County Courts a Certificate of his or
their lust Execucon of their offices the preceeding yeare And
that the Justices of the said County Courts knowe noe lust
occasion for his or their Removeall
And Be itt further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by
and with the advice and Consent aforesaid That if any Sher-
riffe or Vndersherriffe shall fur the future accept Of a ComiS-
sion for the said office of sherriffe or Subsherriffe Contrary to
the forme Intent and true meaning of this Act and without
such Certificate from the County Court as aforesaid first had
and Then every such Sherriffe shall forfeit and pay
To the Lord ietary the sufne of two hundred pounds
starling And every such erriffe shall forfeit and pay
to the Lord Proprietary the sume of Sterling the one
halfe of both the said forfeitures of the said erriffe to

Liber W. H.
& L.

be the one halfe to the Informer or Informers or him or them
that will Informe or sue for the same to be Recovered in any
Court of this Province by bill plaint or Informacon wherein
noe Essoyne proteccon or wager of Law to be allowed Pro-

p. 149

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1678-November 1683
Volume 7, Page 69   View pdf image   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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