610 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
Liber W. H.
dish his Land, And in Baltemore County in Patapsco River
neere Humphreys Creeke & on Bush River on the Towne
Land neere the Court house, And in Talbott County neere
Tredaven Creeke att the Towne Land, & in Kingscreeke
neere the old Towne & in Wye River Towne Land there, &
att the Towne Land att the forke in Chester River, And in
Somersett County in Wiccocomico River on the South side on
the Land next above the Land of the Orphants of Charles
Bollard & on the Land on the North side of Windford Creeke,
(vizt) Smiths & Glannills Land & on Horseys Land in Anni-
messex & on Morgans Land formerly called Barrowes towards
the head of Pokamoake, & on the Land betweene Mr Jenkins
Plantacon & Mr Howards Plantacon on the North side Poka-
moake, And in dorchester County on Morgans Land neare
the head of flushing Creeke in little Choptanke & on Traverse
his Land on the West side of the North West branch of Trans-
quaquin River. And in Cecill County att Capt Johns Creeke
Willm Prices Plantacon in Elke River & in Sasafrax River
att William ffrisbeys plantacon, & in Worton Creeke, And
bee itt further enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
from & after the proclaiming this act all & every the psons
hereafter named shall bee Comissrs of & for theire aforesaid
severall & Respective Countys & they & every of them shall
execute the powers & Authoritys hereby given according to
the Rules & direccons hereafter in this act menconed &
prscribed as well for the buying & purchaseing of the afore-
said Towne Lands Ports and places of the now owners & pos-
sessors of the same, as for the surveying & Laying out of the
said Ports Townes & places aforesaid, & makeing & stakeing
out the severall Lotts to bee laid out in the said Townes to
the end the Length breadth & extent of every Towne & the
severall Lotts in every Towne port & place may bee the better
knowne & observed. That is to say for St Marys County Coll
Willm diggs Mr Robert Carvile Mr Leonard Greene Mr Clemt
Hill Mr Wm Hatton Mr Kenelme Chiseldyne Mr John Lewellin
Mr Randoll Hanson Mr John Addison Mr Stephen Gosse Mr
Justinian Gerrard, Mr William Rosewell, Mr Joseph Pyle Mr
p. 251
Richard Gardner, Mr Wm Boreman Senr Mr Cuthbert Scott,
Mr James Bowling Mr Thomas Mudd, Mr John dent, Mr James
Pattison Mr Jno Cambell Mr Joshua Guibert, Mr John Wat-
son & Mr Thomas Courtney. And for the County of Kent Coll
Henry Coursey, Mr Joseph Weeks Mr Henry Hosier Major
James Ringold, Mr Miles Miller, Mr Nathaniell Evett, Mr Cor-
nelius Comegys, Mr Thomas Boone, Mr Phillipp Conner, Mr
Wm Lawrence Mr Lewis Blangey, Mr Anth: Workman Mr Wm
Frisby, Mr Wm Harnis, Mr Alexander Nath, Mr Morgan Wil-
liams Mr Thomas Orsborne, Mr Christopher Godhand, Mr Wm