600 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
ffive bills
sent vpp.
Then was Mr Peerce and Mr Addams sent to the
vonr house with the foll Bills
1 An Act for Naturalizeing Peter Maisee de Moysne et alios:
2 An Act prohibiting the Imbezelling his Lops Ordinance:
3 An Act provideing agt suddayne Accidents in this Gov-
4 An Act Limmitting the Extent of Attatchmts and Execu-
5 An Act teing the Tares and Abuses in Tobacco
Al ills Are Assented to by both houses, of Assembly.
This prsent sessions:
Then was read A bill Entitled An Act agt Excessive vsury
the second time by Speciall Order of this house
Act for build-
ings Read
Then was read A bill Entitled An Act for the
Erecting and building a house for the Convenience
of Holding Courts &c: The first time
Put to the Question whether any Tobacco shall be Leavyed
this yeare Towards the building in the bill aforsd mentioned.
Yea or Nay :
Voted In the Affirmative:
Votes Con-
the same
The question was Then putt, how much Tobacco
shall.be Leavyed this prsent yeare
Voted 50000 11 of Tobacco this yeare
And alsoe 50000 11 of Tobacco next yeare
p. 69
Then Mr Carvile was sent to the vppr house wth the bill not
Assented too for his Lops approbation, And to desire his Lop
to Appoynt the place to bee built vpon, Alsoe to prsent to his
Lop the names of Comissioners to bee Incerted into the bill for
Carrying One the building aforesd, for his Lordships Appro-
bation of them
He returnes and sayes that Coll Coursey Told him the vpper
house was Adjo to morrow morning, but desired Mr Car-
vile to Leave the Bill and propo his Lops Consider-
accon, because his Lop was resolved to Read Over he
had done all the Other this day sent vp, And when the
They would send a full Answere to the message
djournes Till To morrow morning 7 a Clock:
Tuesday November the sixth 1683:
The house mett and Called all present as Yesterday:
Then was read what was done yesterday
Then Came Coll Darnall from the vppr house, and Desired
to knowe if this house were ready to Attend his Lop: To Con-
clude this Sessions