582 Assembly Proceedings, October—November 1683.
L. H. Journal
Message with
a prsent To
his Lopp
Lower house of Assembly October the 29th 1683:
Your Lops most humble and Obedient Servants
the vppr and Lower houses of this prsent Genrall
Assembly, wth all Immaginable gratitude Acknowl-
edgeing yor Lops great love and Affection to the good people
of this province Expressed in your Lops speech to your Two
houses At the Opening of this Sessions, and more Especially
in Conveening this Assembly & Appoynting this provinciall
Court to be held in this place, Soe nere the Center of yor
Lordsps province, to the great ease and Generall Conveniency
of the Inhabitants thereof Doe with all Dutifull Affections
hereby prsent to your Lordshipp their Most humble and harty
And In further Demonstration of their gratitude Duty &
Affection doe pray your Lops Acceptance of the quantity of
One hundred [thousan]d pounds of Tobacco To be Leavyed
vpon the Taxables of this province This prsent yeare
And doe further pray your Lordsp: That you please to
Signify to both houses at what place yor Lop Intends all future
Assemblyes provinciall Courts, and offices to be held and
Keppt at, That a Committee of both houses may forthwith goe
out, to Consult the Readiest and Best way of makeing provi-
sion of Building fitt for the Reception and Accomodacon
Signd p Ordr C Boteler Cler. &c
Voted to be
sent vp
Which message being Read: The Question was
then putt whether the same should be sent to the
p. 54
vppr house, Yea or Nay:
Voted in the Affirmative
Capt Smith Mr Ennalls and Mr Green, sent to the vpper house
wth the foregoing message. They returne and say they have
delivered the same.
Mr Secry Darnall brings from the vppr house A message
which being read is as foll (Vizt)
Upper h[ouse of Assem]bly October 29th 1683.
This house doe desire that [some membe]rs of the Lower
house would speedily Joyne with some members of [this
hojuse, In Order to draw [vp a Law to] revive the Temporary
Lawes [and that] the Law for Assessing t[he Publique] Charge
may be alsoe suddaynly perfected soe tht both the same may
be [Engrossed before] To morrow Twelve a Clock at noone,
for that his Lop hath [put of the Day of] Sessions till to morrow
in the Afternoone At which time [he is resolved to] Conclude
this Sessions of Assembly
Signd p Ordr Tho: Grunwin Clerke etc